CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services
CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services​
This qualification may be used as a pathway for workforce entry as community workers who provide a first point of contact and assist individuals in meeting their immediate needs. At this level, work takes place under direct, regular supervision within clearly defined guidelines.
Units of Competency
CHCCOM001 Provide first point of contact (35) (30)
CHCCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services (30) (50)
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people (40) (30)
HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety (20)
BSBWOR202 Organise and complete daily work activities (20) (15)
CHCCDE003 Work within a community development framework (65) (50)
CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety (25) (30)
CHCVOL001 Be an effective volunteer (25) (20)
HLTINF001 Comply with infection prevention & control policies & procedure (25) (30)
CHCCCS016 Respond to client needs (60) (30)
CHCECE004 Promote and provide healthy food and drinks (35) (30)
SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety (15)
CHCGRP001 Support group activities (30) (25)